Inviting Joy Into Grief: A Virtual Conversation on April 6th
I've been invited to speak, and you're invited, too ;-)
Hello, this week I don’t have resources or a journal post to share. Life’s been a bit wild-horse-ish lately. How about you?
However, if you’d like to tune into a virtual conversation about living with loss and with joy, I’ve been invited to be a guest speaker for a program on Thursday, April 6th, hosted by the national nonprofit, Compassion & Choices.
You’re invited, too. Cost? Hurray, it’s free!
What’s a virtual conversation? It’s a nicer-sounding way of saying it’s a Zoom-based webinar you can join by computer, smartphone, or other device. So the good news is that you don’t have go anywhere or comb your hair, your cat (or dog or spry old parrot) can listen in, and you’ll need to bring your own tea and berries (or cookies, for those lucky enough to be able to eat wheat.)
Just click on the image or the button below to learn more and register if you’re able to join us.
P.S. One more bit of Free—please let others know . . .
Once again I’m offering the Kindle e-book version of Grieving Us: A Field Guide for Living with Loss Without Losing Yourself for FREE on Amazon from April 6th through the 10th.
It’s my small way of acknowledging that the special holidays surrounding many of us just now—Passover, Easter, Ramadan, and perhaps others—also become opportunities to more deeply miss the ones we love and who cannot be physically with us.
Click on the image or button below to go right to the e-book and download it for free April 6-10.
Please forward this message to anyone you feel could benefit.
Also, if you’ve read Grieving Us and found it supportive, please consider leaving a review on Amazon (the more helpful reviews, the more Amazon makes it easier for those searching for grief resources to find the book).
I have some good writing and resources coming this month. In the meantime, much love and light to you and yours. ♥️
Kimberley has been my comfort through my mother's passing recently. Let her help you heal as well❤️